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Boreal Yachts

Boreal Yachts

Born out of a desire to create a yacht based on real-world sailing, the founder of Boreal Yachts, Jean-François Delvoye kept a diary and sketch pad of ideas whilst sailing round the world with his wife and family.

Jean-François spent six years sailing around the Mediterranean to Cabo Verde, from Brazil to Argentina and then two years navigating the canals of Patagonia.

During his trip he constantly asked himself “what was missing from a boat to make it the best yacht in the world?” Arriving back in France, he took all the ideas he had accumulated on his travels and went to work designing and building the perfect family adventure boat.

“Six years sailing around the world with 4 children on board gives you an idea of what is essential.”

Jean-François Delvoye

Boreal Yachts is born

Delvoye’s first design was a 15-metre aluminium boat, designed in 3-D on his computer. No sooner were the designs finished and two yachts were sold prior to protypes even hitting the water.

And so, the company “Boréal” was born in 2005 – more by chance, with three clients and yacht designs that had been conceived through real hands-on experience. The first sea trials totally validated the specifications.

Jean-François x 2

In 2010, Jean-François Delvoye joined up with another Jean-François, Jean-François Eeman. They had met a few years earlier on a pontoon in Ushuaia, Argentina and soon became friends.

Jean-François Eeman had worked for one of the biggest sailing events in the world and through his companies had taken more than 50,000 people to sea. His experience as a young yacht racer, navigating his 18-feet yacht soon after his studies, compliments the design and build skills of Jean-François Delvoye.

Today, Eeman takes care of client and project support at Boréal, whilst Delvoye heads up the design and engineering team.

Boreal Yacht Success

Boreal Yachts 47

There are currently six yachts in the Boréal fleet, ranging from 44ft to 77ft


The two Jean-François have brought together one of the best yacht engineering teams to guarantee their clients the best possible product.

Since its launch in 2005, Boréal has gone from strength to strength and is now recognised worldwide. Just two months after its launch in 2009, the Boréal 44 was crowned “Yacht of the Year 2010” in France, and a year after was awarded the same prize in Holland.

In September 2014 the brand new Boréal 52 was awarded third place at the Yacht of the Year Award and the same yacht went on to be recognised with the title of European Yacht of the Year in 2015 in the Blue Water Cruiser category.

In 2017 Boréal exhibited the Boréal 47 at the Annapolis Boat Show in Maryland, USA and came away with the titles of Best Midsize Cruiser 2018 and Overall Winner Boat of the Year 2018.

The accolades didn’t stop there, in 2020 the Boréal 47.2 won Special Voile Magazine prize at the Sailboat of the Year 2020/21 competition and in 2021 it officially received the European Yacht of the Year 2021 award in the Bluewater Cruiser category.

Boreal Yachts 44

Boreal Yacht Range

Boréal 44.2

The Boréal 44.2 is the second incarnation of the 44 that was launched in 2009. The 44.2 shares the same specification as all of the other Boréals, but her minimal size makes it an ideal boat for a couple of family with two children.

Boréal 47.2

The Boréal 47.2 was designed from the ground up, taking all the feedback from more than sixty Boréal 44 and 47 owners. As European Yacht of the Year in 2021, the 47.2 is “designed to take you safely to the end of the world with a simple deck layout that is easy to manage with a small crew”.

Boréal 52

Seven years after the launch of the first Boréal 50, the Boréal 52 entered the market. In keeping with the fundamentals of the Boréal range, it has a narrow bow, a lighter aluminium structure but with even more headroom. The interior has also been given a makeover and hosts a home-from-home bathroom and a double seat in the doghouse. The Boréal 52 officially received the award of European Yacht of the Year 2015 in the Blue Water Cruiser category.

Boréal 55

The Boréal 55 shares the same outline as the Boréal 52 but has been designed with extra features specifically with divers in mind.

The yacht has a spacious scoop and offers four lockers designed to house everything a diver needs. The stairs allow crew to move about whilst wearing fins and the seats are wide enough to cater for people wearing tanks. The large lazarette is useful to store the air compressor which is directly accessible from the scoop.

Even if you are not a diving fanatic, you will be won over by the large rear skirt that makes getting in and out of the water very easy.

Boréal 55 OC (Open Cockpit)

For those yacht owners that love the sun, here’s an open cockpit version of the Boréal 55. Designed to meet the demands of the Boréal 55 design but without giving up the essential principles of the Boréal concept.

The layout of the interior is identical to that of Boréal 52 and 55 – the changes are all external and designed to enhance live-aboard life in the sun.

Boréal 70

The Boréal 70 is their top-end yacht fit for expeditions in open ocean extreme conditions. Produced by the Boréal since 2021, the 70 is a 21.20 metre luxury cruising yacht with aluminium hull and 4 guest cabins.

Drag Reducing Propellers for Boreal Yachts

Darglow have supplied drag reducing props for many of the models in the Boréal yacht range. We keep an expanding database of technical information on many of our installations along with feedback from our customers.

Check our full list of Boréal Yachts we have supplied propellers to here.

Rope Cutters for Boreal Yachts

We have supplied rope cutters for various boats in the Boreal Yacht range. We keep a database of technical information on many of our installations along with feedback from our customers.

Check our full list of Boreal Yachts we have supplied rope cutters for here.

Visit the Boréal Yachts website

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