Mr. A. Forbes

FeatherStream B-Hub 3B


 Malo 36 with 18” 3B FeatherStream review …

“I am very pleased with the FeatherStream propeller I fitted last winter on my Malö 36, Mañana. The previous propeller was an elderly folding one, which had a number of issues, including a reluctance to operate in reverse with any efficiency. This made stopping a challenge!”

 “The performance of the new FeatherStream is a revelation – it is equally effective in ahead and astern and it feathers nicely when we’re under sail. We have not been on any long trips since the propeller was fitted so I can’t say what effect it will have on average speed, but we shall shortly be heading across the Channel for our summer cruise and I have no doubt that our FeatherStream will continue to impress.”

 Malo 36 – 18” 3B FeatherStream prop

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