R. Pottinger

FeatherStream A-Hub 3B

Cornish Crabber

“I recently recommended to Andrew Holmes, who purchased Shrimper Redwing 881, to replace his fixed propeller with a Darglow Feather Stream 3 bladed propeller following my experience of using this on my Shrimper Black Swan since March 2011. Basically with a fixed prop the boat will not steer correctly in reverse, i.e. it goes everywhere else except in the direction you wish to reverse into.  It also does not drive through a lumpy sea very well, lastly it will not beat a strong tide.”

 “The Feather Stream was fitted in 2011 and Black Swan has moved into a tight berth in the marina where maneuvering is very important and thanks to the Darglow Feather Stream prop we enter and reverse with ease.”

 “Motoring in a lumpy sea is good and last but not least, Black Swan beats the tide.”

 “Support from Chris and Rose is superb and I am happy to demonstrate the prop in action in Poole Harbour.”

 Cornish Crabber Shrimper –3B FeatherStream

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