“Hi Nick, many thanks for a very good product.” “Just a quick note to...
Mr. Norman
FeatherStream A-Hub 3B
“Hi Nick, many thanks for a very good product.”
“Just a quick note to inform you that I’ve received the propeller and am extremely impressed with the unit. I’ve fitted it onto the shaft, which appears perfect, and checked its ‘operation’ by rotating the shaft etc., and it’s doing what I wanted it to do; which was a concern to me. I’ve removed it in order to modify the rudder clearance, which was anticipated and not a surprise, plus for safe keeping, as it’s so bright and shiny, it could attract attention from ‘baddies’!”
“As is typical, the crane in date went backwards by a fortnight, but we weren’t to know that, and I do thank your company for the efforts that were made to get it to me on time.”
“I hope that you’re well, following the glorious summer! I’ve had a full summer of using your propeller and haven’t failed to be impressed by it!”
“When sailing, my boat speed is increased by ‘around’ 20% I’d say; it’s impossible to be precise of course. When motoring, I’ve not really noticed any change, it being that it’s working well. If you recall, the previous propeller was a 2 blade, turning the ‘other’ way, so a comparison isn’t really possible! The propeller had no marine growth on it, or signs of corrosion, apart from 20% anode wastage, and some anode pitting; exactly as it should be.”
“I will be using the supplied grease and greasing fitting to service the prop and will purchase a replacement anode later on this winter.”