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Vindo Yachts

Vindo 32 yacht


Vindo Yachts was a luxury sailing boat builder who created beautiful sailing boats in South West Sweden. In 1926, Carl Andersson established the company by primarily producing pilot vessels and beginning the process the old-fashioned way, by making boats by hand. By the early 1930s, Carl had established a solid reputation as a proficient boat builder, specialising in sailing vessels. The late 1980s saw the end of the Nötesund yard’s sailing boat production.

Vindo Yachts were well known as the most beautiful sailing boats, mostly down to their craftsmanship. The sailing boats created by Vindo have a classic yet stylish look, making woodwork and craftsmanship a high priority throughout the design and creation of their yachts. Originally, Vindo Yachts were small wooden boats up until 1965, when they were converted to GRP material.

Vindo no longer produces new boats but their little boat yard on the Swedish west coast still continues to do maintenance of old Vindos. Below are some of the most popular sailing yachts that Vindo created.

Vindo 28

The Vindo 28 was the first sailboat Carl Andersson built back in 1961. This sailboat is a solid and heavy construction boat which is mostly made from wood. It quickly became a popular sailing boat due to its outstanding performance, great stability and ease of handling.

The Vindo 28 is a popular choice for sailors looking for a versatile vessel, whether they’re looking to do coastal cruising or longer offshore journeys.

Vindo 50

The Vindo 50 is a strongly built sailboat made out of GRP material, first constructed by Carl Andersson in 1974. This stunning sailboat radiates timeless appeal with its gorgeous timber superstructure and interior, drawing attention wherever it sails.

Renowned for its timeless design, the Vindo 50 is an evergreen favourite among sailors since it’s ideal for extended ocean journeys as well as coastal cruising.

Vindo 40

Vindo 40 yacht-

The Vindo 40 is an underpowered, heavy sailboat that was first constructed in 1970.

This offshore Vindo 40, which has an exquisite teak and mahogany finish on the topsides and a laminated glass-reinforced plastic hull and deck, is the product of nearly fifty years of experience, meeting the high requirements of Notesund’s first-rate workmanship.

Vindo Yacht Models

Drag Reducing Propellers for Lagoon Catamarans

Darglow supplies drag propellers for many of the Vindo Yacht models in their range. Our database is continuously expanding on recent projects that we are working on, including all the technical information and customer feedback.

Check out our full list of Vindo Yachts we have supplied drag propellers to here.

Ropecutters for Lagoon Catamarans

Darglow supplies rope cutters for many of the Vindo Yacht models in their range. Our database is continuously expanding on recent projects that we are working on, including all the technical information and customer feedback.

Check out our full list of Vindo Yachts we have supplied rope cutters to here.

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